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Vital Managing Partner Shares Insights with How we made it in Africa


Vital Capital Managing Partner, Nimrod Gerber recently sat down with Jaco Maritz at How we made it in Africa for a wide-ranging interview covering everything from Vital’sbeginnings right through to where we’re currently seeing opportunities to invest. Nimrod shared his journey to becoming a private equity investor in Africa, insights on the deals that got away, along with mistakes made and lessons learned. Nimrod also dived deep on the markets where Vital sees the greatest opportunities:


“Where we invest, in this emerging consumer class and tapping into this demographic shift, I think we want to be in countries with real economies. Smaller countries are harder to invest in and get to scale unless you can do it at a regional level… so we look for the bigger economies. Francophone Africa is very interesting. First, because of the currency, and also because of the real markets and real growth opportunities; it’s less saturated.”

You can watch the full interview here.